benefits of qur’aan memorisation Tag
Posted at 15:56h
by Rayhaanah
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Dear sisters,
Recently, a fellow blogger at fowarded me the story of an inspiring account of one sister's hifdh experience, documenting the impact her faith & her hifdh journey had, both on those who knew her and those who did not.
Read on...
Posted at 20:20h
Hifdh Help
by Rayhaanah
Assalaamu 'alaykum,
Alhumduillah, came across these fascinating details & facts recently & thought of sharing with you all. Reading these notes made me reflect on the Great Power & Might of Allah subhaanahu wa Ta'ala.
Each day, I am blessed to be a small part of students'...
Posted at 19:15h
Hifdh Help
by Rayhaanah
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmtullah
Alhamdulillah, a few weeks back, one of the Fee Qalbee blog readers emailed us requesting for the valuable feedback & input of our readers, students & clients. This was with regards to a project that she was required to present at university.
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Dear Sisters,
SubhaanAllah! Fortunate we are indeed, to have been blessed by Allah Most High, with the most wise of words, the most beautiful of messages & the most radionat form of enlightenment : Al Qur'aan Al Majeed...
Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah,
Hifdhul Qur’aan is beyond mere memorisation. It encompasses the motivational aspects throughout this spiritual journey. ♥Fee Qalbee♥ is pleased to announce the launch of a unique consulting company specialising in Hifdhul Qur’aan mentorship, teacher training & the enrichment of an Islamic lifestyle,...
Posted at 13:51h
Hifdh In Motion
by Rayhaanah
In a one-room schoolhouse in northern Morocco’s Rif Mountains, forty young children between the ages of three and seven sit shoulder to shoulder on floor mats, reciting the Quran from memory. As they repeat after their teacher, sometimes in unison, sometimes individually, they join a...
Posted at 10:05h
by Rayhaanah
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah
May this week bring with it an abundance of blessings, love & guidance from Almighty Allah.
We've had plenty of positive feedback regarding our recently featured blog post of the interview with Haafidha Iffath Hasan. Alhamdulillah, so many sisters were inspired to...
Assalaamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Part of the journey of hifdh, are the constant reminders that benefit our learning & re-awaken our desire to memorise the Noble Qur'aan.. Beneficial reminders draw us closer to Allah Ta'ala, reminding us of the connection between our learning of Qur'aan and...
Posted at 23:40h
by Rayhaanah
What are the benefits that a Haafidh gets in this life and the next.
And what about his relatives and offspring?
What about the genereations before and after him.
Praise be to Allaah.
Memorizing the Qur’aan is an act of worship through which one seeks the Face of...
Posted at 21:30h
Hifdh Help
by Rayhaanah
--Memorizing the holy Qur'aan helps improve individuals’ mental health, research findings in Saudi Arabia show.
According to Dr. Saleh bin Ibrahim Sani, psychology professor at the Muhammad bin Saud University in Riyadh, he has conducted a research examining how effective Qur'aan memorization can be in improving...