08 Mar Fearing Allah SWT
Assalamu alaykum,
Central to our journey of preserving The Quran in our hearts, is inculcating the Fear of Allah SWT. And, as we find ourselves days away from Ramadan, this is a beautiful opportunity to remind ourselves of a key ingredient needed for building the shield of Taqwa this Ramadan.
This week’s post shares more in this regard:
The people described in this ayah, fear Allah in all situations, even when they are alone and so they don’t fall short in what they are supposed to do. This is because of their khashyah of Allah. Khashyah is a type of fear that is associated with knowledge. The ulema (scholars) have more khashyah than the average Muslim.
The more a person lacks knowledge and understanding, the less fearful he is. For example, children lack knowledge and reasoning which is why they tend to do dangerous things because they are not aware of the danger. So in order to stay away from danger, the aql (intelligence) must be used. And for the aql to be used, one must strive to seek knowledge!
Only those who have knowledge fear Allah, even though they can’t see Him. They are conscious of Him and this is what develops ihsan in their actions. Despite not seeing Him, they do what they are commanded to do, they stay away from everything that is forbidden and they cry over their faults and mistakes, sincerely begging Allah for forgiveness.
The Prophet ﷺ said, “No man will enter the Fire who weeps for fear of Allah, Most High, until the milk goes back into the udders.” [al-Tirmidhi]
So keep seeking knowledge in order to increase your Khashya of Allah!
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