16 Feb Salah & Sabr
It is a well-known fact that life is just a series of tests. It has been reiterated within the Qur’an that trials are specifically purposed to distinguish between those who have imaan and those who do not; it is a make it or break it matter. No one is exempt from these tests of life, and neither were the Prophets.
However, Allah has revealed the secret to persevering through these trials: salah and patience.
The word استعانة means to ask someone for help after making as much effort as possible; the work here is sabr and salah, which needs to be made before expecting Allah’s help to arrive. In times of difficulty, be positive. Focus on what you have left rather than what you have lost; be thankful, for it could have been worse. Be patient. Accept His decree, even when it is painful to do so, because there is wisdom within the situation, even if you do not see it in that instance.
Salah is one of the foundations of imaan. It is more than a ritual that we need to perform five times a day; it is more than a series of motions. It is a means of keeping oneself away from sinning and seeking help from Allah in all matters. It is an ordeal to practise salah properly, except for those who have khushu. Then, salah is easy for those who have realised His Power, submitting before it, fearing and hoping for what is with Allah.
It is human nature to confide in friends or family when going through difficulty. Instead of finding the help we seek, we may get hurt by those we love the most. We have likely started loving them more than Allah, so, through sabr and salah, we need to fix our relationship with Him. We need to remember that no one can help us unless Allah wills it and that we need to rely on Him entirely.
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