Assalamualykom apa CAn you please advise me Im a mum of four and have memorized 11paras before marriage albums I haven’t forgotten it totally but want to revise it and know it.i tried but time does not permit to upkeep it can you please help me jazakallah
Wa ‘alaykumus salaam wa Rahmatullah
Dear Ummeyusuf,
Alhamdulillah, it’s always a blessing to hear from sisters who have memorised the Qur’aan and are concerned with its retention, mashaAllah.
Please email me directly at:
There are a few questions that I would need to ask, re: your hifdh, before i am able to provide more insight.
Look forward to connecting with you soon 🙂
was salaam
Posted at 16:06h, 27 AprilAssalamualykom apa CAn you please advise me Im a mum of four and have memorized 11paras before marriage albums I haven’t forgotten it totally but want to revise it and know it.i tried but time does not permit to upkeep it can you please help me jazakallah
Posted at 17:35h, 27 AprilWa ‘alaykumus salaam wa Rahmatullah
Dear Ummeyusuf,
Alhamdulillah, it’s always a blessing to hear from sisters who have memorised the Qur’aan and are concerned with its retention, mashaAllah.
Please email me directly at:
There are a few questions that I would need to ask, re: your hifdh, before i am able to provide more insight.
Look forward to connecting with you soon 🙂
was salaam