30 May Recommended website
Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah
I would like to bring to your attention the NEW khatma website http://www.khatmah.org/.
Its a fantastic idea where you can participate in a khatma with others globally. There are three easy steps:
1. Register or Login by providing a username, password and email address.
2. Select the Juz you wish to read and click Submit. You can select more than one juz at a time.
3. Start reading! Watch the live streaming of khatmah duas at the end of each month.
Mashaa Allah, an ideal resource for completed haafidhaat & for those in the process of enhancing their personal Qur’aan goals, pre-Ramadhaan, inshaa Allah.
May the Glorious Qur’aan always be your companion, aameen.
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