26 Apr Productivity in learning The Qur’aan
Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Dear Sisters,
To learn more abour PRODUCTIVITY IN LEARNING THE QUR’AAN, please visit : www.productivemuslim.com.
Recently, FEE QALBEE was invited to write a guest post on this important topic, Alhamdulillah:)
Visist the site to learn more about this and other aspects of productivity in Islaam.
Happy reading! Stay inspired & stay productive!
Masuma Virji
Posted at 19:00h, 03 MaySalaam Alaikum. Where do I navigate to read all the submitted essays for the hifdh competition?
Posted at 20:26h, 03 MayWa ‘alaykumus salaam wa Rahmatullah:) Due to numerous requests, we’ve extended the submission date until the 10th May..so inshaa Allah, from the 11th May onwards, we’ll start posting the submissions over the next few days.